Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Whore House Update!!!!

Remember that you heard it here on ILUVLUKE first that they were going to put a whore house on the North Shore!!! This morning the P-G is trying to report it (see THEIR story here).
They fail to tell the whole story. They talk about a strippers club opening up, but that will never happen because the Casino is the one that is going to have the whole bunch of strippers and whores. The State wants to keep a monopoly on all the sin!!!
After we had a big discussion in the comments section of this website last week, it seems that we all agree that a whore house on the North Shore would not be all bad if it could be guarentteed that all the money from it would go to Property Tax Relief. I also want to say that they need to do something to prevent all the babies from being left in their daddy's pickup trucks while the daddys are doing their evil business. Maybe they could have a daycare at the casino. (notice how "casino" has sin in it? I just noticed that. From now on, I'm calling it The CaSINo!!!)
We need our city leaders to stand up and say "No Whore House With Out Property Tax Relief". I liked what Gay4Luke said "Maybe we should start a campaign: We want Hookers for Our Relief from Evil property taxes! The first letters of some of those words even spell out the acronym WHORE!"
Let our campaign begin!!!