Friday, September 5, 2008

Luke Should Feel Like A Cock

Hello From the Always Cultured Paris!!!

Mr. Luke Ravenstahl should have his chest out and should be strutting around the barnyard like the cock that he his. The other roosters in the barnyard should cow to him and the chickens should flock to him. Why do I give such high praise?
Here in France, we often look down our noses at the American Politic (and everything else). I have been following your President race for the laughs. And I have been laughing. You have a Black Man running against an Old Man. Then the Old Man is running with a WoMan. And then the WoMan does not believe in telling people where babies come from and then her daughter now has a baby coming. (not to mention that she believes that the dinosaurs were on Noah's Arc?) The only thing to make it funnier is if the baby's father was the Old Man or The Black Man. HA HA.
Anyway, why I mention this is that Sarah Palin the WoMan is recieving so much praise for being the Mayor of a small town of 9,000 peoples. Peoples say this gives her the experience to drive your country should Mr McCain pass away. Using my large math skills and with Pittsburgh having 300,000 peoples, that makes Mr. Mayor Luke Ravenstahl 33.333 times more qualified to run the whole United States than Mrs. Palin. And since they are saying because of her "executive experience" Mrs. Palin who is very good looking by the way, is more qualified than Mr. Obama, I would say Mr. Luke is 300,000 times more qualified than him or Mr. McCain because niether of them have the executive experience to run the United States.
So now do you see why I think Mr. Ravenstahl should be strutting around like a cock with his chest out and his tail feathers flying?
Bravo again, Mr. Ravenstahl. And may I too give you a kiss. A French Kiss at that!